Who we are

Inside Out Painting and Remodeling LLC has proudly been a family-owned business for the past eight years. Led by the dynamic husband-and-wife team, Patty and Charlie, each brings their expertise to every project—Patty expertly managing all office operations and personnel, while Charlie oversees projects, scheduling, and service calls. With over 43 years of experience in construction, remodeling, and decorating, Charlie has had the privilege of supervising major projects like the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, luxury suites at Caesars Palace, the Pantages Theatre in Minneapolis, and East Grand Forks City Hall, along with numerous residential remodels and additions. His vast experience allows him to transform homes with sophistication, maximizing space while blending beauty and functionality—all while carefully considering the homeowner’s needs and budget.

Charlie has seen that many homeowners struggle to find reliable help for everything from small repairs to full-scale remodels. Inside Out Painting and Remodeling was founded to make the process straightforward, providing clear communication, detailed project planning, and fast, dependable results. Homeowners are often delighted by how simple and seamless the journey can be—no confusion, no headaches, just a single contractor handling all aspects of the project from start to finish. Whether it’s a small repair, a kitchen or bathroom remodel, or a large-scale renovation, Inside Out Painting and Remodeling LLC is committed to excellence, dependability, and top-notch customer service, ensuring you have more time to enjoy your home and your family.